This is commonly used in text fonts to produce an elegant appearance for particular combinations of letters, such as 'fi' or 'fl'. In OpenType fonts, ligatures are a kind of glyph substitution, where two or more glyphs are replaced with another single glyph. The documentation file,, says the following about how to adjust vertical positions:īravura Text uses OpenType ligatures to modify the default vertical position of symbols. All I can see is the notehead on its default position which is the tone B (on the middle line of a 5 line staff). But I didn't manage to raise/lower the noteheads. I tried to use that features in text applications like Word 2013, Open Office Writer and Libre Office Writer. There are special characters to raise/lower a notehead on the staff to represent the different tones. I did a little research on the features of Bravura Text and the documentation of the font points out, that it is possible to write notes and adjust their vertical position on a staff.
I want to use that font in an application that I am currently developing. I am trying to use an Open Type music font called Bravura Text.